By Christopher Gibson, CP

Meditacions on the themes of each day

Sixth Day

Theme: The Church in its plenitude is expressed in Our Lady.

The issue addressed: To enliven hope in the future as being in God's hands, rather than being crushed by the negative aspects of our time.
Object: To enkindle the hope in the future with the assurance that we are in the providential hands of God.

Scripture readings:

From the Feast of the Immaculate Conception: Gen.3:9-15.20; Eph.1:3-6.11-12; Ps.98; Lk.1:26-38

Symbols in this context: Our Lady, (standing, without a mask, her way of looking with her head slightly inclined, speaking on the same level as Juan Diego); her blue-green mantle (the royal color of the 'gods', and of Ometeotl, the origin of all the natural forces in the universe; also meaning the power that unifies the tensions existent in the world). The meaning of the stars on the mantle (the beginning of a new age); the sun and moon in this context.

Theme developed: The Holy Spirit forges the reign of God through the people of God, who are the Church, and who's plenitude is expressed in Our Lady.
History is full of situations, in which everything seemed lost, and that everything was about to come to an end, due to sin reigning in humanity. Who would believe that a Moses could take out the enslaved Israelites from Egypt, or that David, the shepherd boy could defeat the giant Goliath with all his armor on, or that Judith could defeat an army alone backed up by prayer, fasting and faith in God. Who would believe that Christ would rise after the apparent victory of his enemies? Who would believe that the Aztec people, practically exterminated, would survive after the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Symbolically, how is it possible that roses grow in the middle of winter on the hill of Tepeyac, or that the image of the Virgin remain imprinted on the 'tilma' (cloak) of Juan Diego? How could it remain intact after four centuries, despite the material of the 'tilma' being made from the 'maguey' (cactus)  fiber, which is not supposed to last very long?
If we look at the world situation, with its serious social, economic and ecological problems, it seems that there is no hope for the future. The scarcity of religious and priestly vocations in many parts of the world and the internal problems of the Church don't look hopeful either. But we must believe that the Lord from the cross has triumphed, and that the Virgin with all her beauty and splendor is a triumphant sign of the plenitude of God reign in the future. What looks impossible today, will be transformed by the powerful hand of God, into the reality of future salvation. Even the negative can be changed by God. Was not the crucifixion of Jesus, which was the most horrendous thing that could be done to the Anointed of God,  transformed into the instrument of salvation and victory?
Let us think of the impossible situations in our lives. There is always a door open where another is closed, or what seems a closed door today, may in fact be a veiled open door to the future. Let us remember this interesting saying: "If today you believe what you don't understand, tomorrow you will understand what today you believe." Let us therefore carry on walking in hope, as we keep  the image of Guadalupe with its many symbols before our minds, reminding us of what the plenitude of the reign is like. We are that darkened moon, a people in sin, accompanied by Mary, who as a loving mother anguishes with her people. We see Christ, who rises as the sun of salvation, dissipating the darkness of sin. He lifts the people up from the low position he finds them in, and makes them a holy people, with Mary as their most perfect expression. We are one with her. We see there the bride of Christ clothed in the colors of the royalty of the Nahua's gods. For them, the clothing, with signs and symbols, corresponded to the gods, and to important people. They showed who they were and what they represented. (Siller Acuña-1981/1989: 65). The stars spoke to the Nahuas of a new age. In the light of the biblical tradition, we might visualize them as the outstanding figures in Christ's reign, shining on that royal mantle of the Virgin, who symbolizes the reign. It is  like the lights on a Christmas tree. At Christmas we will celebrate the arrival of the reign. The attitudes expected of those who belong to the reign are also expressed in the image. We remember the posture of Mary who is standing and unmasked; this  brings her close to her people. She, though important, empowers people with her loving presence, giving them a sense of worth. She is there among the poor, the oppressed, which shows where the preferential option of God's revelation is found, and through whom God mediates salvation. "Her presence is the new power of the powerless to triumph over the violence of the powerful." (Elizondo-1978: 135) It is a power that brings opposing and conflicting forces together to form one people: this is symbolized in the blue-green mantle as understood by the Mexicas. (Elizondo-1989: 129).
Our Lady of Guadalupe stands out clearly, then, as an ideal for the Church of Christ fully expressed in her (Puebla-1979: #282). Through 'her' (Mary/Church), Christ is gradually bringing about  the reign. For a person of faith therefore, there is no reason to be absorbed in pessimism due to the sinfulness present in our world. We ought to be confident that the 'dark moon will be transformed into a radiant beautiful bride'. An example or two could be given, where a sinful situation is transformed into a vehicle of salvation. The crucifixion of Jesus though, which leads to resurrection, will always be the beacon to enlighten any sinful experience transformed by the grace of God.

Questions: Do we keep alive in us the future hope for the  plenitude of the reign of Christ, or do we allow ourselves to get depressed or to fall into despair?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Sixth Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.
1. So that the Holy Spirit may hold us firm in hope when things are not doing too well, and when all solutions to problems seem impossible. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that all those who live in critical situations may be rescued by the Lord and may be led to find solutions to their problems. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that God through the intercession of the Virgin touch the hearts of the most hardened sinners so that they may be converted to the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the Church may be more and more like the Virgin in its way of thinking, speaking and acting. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that our deceased brothers and sisters find in God forgiveness for their sins and the gift of the resurrection to life everlasting. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
Good and compassionate God, hear the prayers that today we present to you, and through the intercession of the Immaculate virgin Mary, may we keep alive in our lives, faith, hope and charity, even when all things are not going too well. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. 

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Christopher Gibson, CP
May be used for personal or public worship. Not to be reproduced for the sake of profit.