By Christopher Gibson, CP
Meditacions on the themes of each day

Ninth Day

Theme: The reign of Christ requires simple and courageous ministers.

The issue addressed:  Many Cathlics believe that the evangelization of the world is the task of priests and sisters. That creates a passive attitude in many laity.
Object: Create the need to be an active members in the Church and not just be  passive observers.

Scripture readings:

 Is.11:1-10; Ps.1  or 1 Sam.2 ; Lk. 4:14-21

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Raise your voice and tell the good news: The Lord our God will go before him. Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva ( 4 :1-4a.5-15):

Juan Diego returned and went directly to the summit of the little hill, and met the Lady of Heaven, who was waiting for him  in the same place where he saw her for the first time. Upon seeing her, he prostrated before her and said: "My Lady, the most forsaken of my relatives, I went where you sent me to tell your message. Although I entered with difficulty into the place where the Lord of the priests is, I saw him and revealed to him your message in the manner that you had requested of me. He received me kindly and he listened to me with attention; but when he responded, it appeared that he must have thought that it was my invention that you wanted a temple built here, and that perhaps it wasn't your command. Thus I earnestly beg you, my Queen, that it be one of the principle ones, those who are known, respected and esteemed, that you send to take your message, so it might be believed. Because I am a farmer from around there, I am rope, I am a ladder, I am the excrement of the people, I am a leaf. They send me. They have to carry me on their back. And you, my dear Lady, my most forsaken Maiden,  you send me to a place where I do not walk and where I do not stand. Forgive me that I cause you great grief, that I disappoint you and fall under your anger, my Queen."
The Holy Virgin responded: "Listen to me my son, the most forsaken. Understand that many are my servants and messengers that I can send, to take my message, and to do my will; but it is very vital that you yourself ask and help, and that with your mediation, my will be fulfilled. Much do I ask of you, my son, the most forsaken and with energy I command you, that you go again tomorrow, to see the bishop. On my behalf, let him know completely my will: that he has to make the temple, that I ask for. And once more tell him, that I in person, the ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of God, send you."
Juan Diego responded: "My dear Lady, I will not cause you affliction; I will go willingly to fulfill your will; in no way will I leave it aside nor will the task be difficult. I shall go to do your will, though I may not be listened to with a good disposition. And even if I am listened to, I may not be believed."
Symbols in this context:Juan Diego the prophet, a modest son of an oppressed and subjugated people. The angel as a messenger in the person of Juan Diego.

Theme developed: As prophets, we should be  brave in urging others to live according to the standards of the reign of Christ, especially those in authority, who have responsibility over people.
From of old, God has singled out the humble and the simple, and converted them into messengers of salvation. King David and Moses, two of the most important people in the history of salvation, were humble shepherds. Moses also had a speech impediment. Jesus, the Son of God, could have chosen to be born as an important person, such as a king, a high priest, or a doctor of the law. He  preferred, though, to appear in history as a laborer, from a family among the simple folk, and to live in a place called Nazareth, a locality of no value to Israel. The readings of today, speak about the simplicity of Jesus, and of his mission of liberation among the people.
Are we to be surprised then, that the Virgin of Guadalupe chooses Juan Diego as her preferred messenger? The fact that she spoke to the bishop through the Indian Juan Diego, and not directly, is part of the message to the Church and to the people: God chooses the humble to confuse the powerful. The ways of God are different than mere human speculations. Juan Diego even insists before the Virgin to get a more credible messenger, someone important in society. He felt that he was nobody, and it would be difficult for them to believe him. But the Virgin insists that he be the messenger. Juan Diego is part of the message that God wants to give to the people. God is identified with the oppressed poor, and has lifted up a prophetic voice from among her children. It is not that God wants to annul authority, but to remind everyone that what really counts in the reign is sanctity, through a life of simplicity and of humble loving service. It was because of oppressive authority that Juan Diego felt as he did: led around on a leash, used as a ladder, treated as repugnant excrement (Acuña Siller-1991: 41), left as a stray leaf dropped from the tree. It was the Virgin who helped Juan Diego restore his dignity when she insisted that he go and confront the bishop as God's prophet. For authority to have meaning in the Church and in society it has to be marked by that sense of simple and humble service. We are also reminded that the Church belongs to everyone, and that everyone has to put their 'grain of sand' in the construction of the reign. Perhaps one could say with Moses and with Juan Diego: 'Who am I? They are not going to heed me!' Even if it happens often, as happened with Moses and Juan Diego, in the end an impact is made in salvation history, because this comes from God. It is not easy to be God's messenger, especially when we meet resistance.
Juan Diego was a prophet of God. His Nahuatl name was 'Cuauhtlatoátzin', which means the one who speaks like the eagle (Acuña Siller-1991: 39). It is not difficult, therefore, for the Mexicas to see Juan Diego represented in the icon of Guadalupe as an angel. The feathers, like those of Quetzalcoatl, are a symbol of the divine. Messengers were often decorated with feathers. Juan Diego symbolized in the angel is supporting and carrying the Virgin; he is her servant and messenger. (El Heraldo-1994: 1) The angel's feathers of 'quetzal', egret and 'guacamaya',  were then of the most valued birds.  This showed that this was an exceptional messenger.
Today, more than ever, every Christian needs to take her/his place as a messenger of Christ. The world needs the message urgently, starting with this country. It needs re-evangelizing. Because of its influence in the world, the corruption in this country has serious repercussions on a world level. We cannot remain indifferent. Everyone should ask themselves what each can do, within one's reach, to bring about the reign. Priests and sisters cannot and should not do it all on their own. The nature of Church presupposes communion and participation. That is what the Latin American bishops reminded us at Puebla some years back. The age of ecclesiastical authoritarianism and of the passive collectivity must end. Christian maturity demands that we be active members of the Church. We are no longer babies to be spoon fed. We cannot only  'eat on our own, but we can prepare food for others to eat'. That means that as baptized Christians, members of Christ, we move into the maturity of our confirmation through  which we are called to be builders of the reign. God will always call some for very specialized tasks, but everyone has the responsibility in the Church to fend for her, and to ensure that the reign of Christ emerges within the human family.

Questions: Do we dare proclaim the gospel by word and deed, even when we risk being made fun of, criticized, slandered, or persecuted? Do we detect some leaders among us who can help us along the journey?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Ninth Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. So that the Virgin inspires many lay people from among the poor and humble people, to occupy their place in the Church as an active presence in the construction of the reign of God. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the Holy Spirit, may fill us with a missionary conscience of Church and urge us on to take the message of salvation, every one according to their vocation in life, and according to their real possibilities. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that the hierarchy of the Church be open to listen to the Holy Spirit, who transmits the wisdom of the Gospel through the poor, especially in the witness of their lives. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that all of us may be sensitive to receive the message of salvation through unexpected and surprising ways, as often happens from the mouths of children. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that governments of the world listen to the voice of God who is crying out in the lives of millions of people of our time, urging us to urgent replies at national and international levels. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
O God, you sent your Son, as a messenger of justice and peace to the world. Help each of us to occupy our place in the missionary task of the Church, which begins at home and in our neighborhood. May Our Lady of Guadalupe encourage and sustain us in the struggle, as she did for Juan Diego. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. 

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Christopher Gibson, CP
May be used for personal or public worship. Not to be reproduced for the sake of profit.