By Christopher Gibson, CP

Liturgy of the Word

First Day

Theme:  All creation longs for salvation and the coming of the reign of God.

The issue addressed: Create awareness of the sad situation of things in the world: tragic abuse of human rights; scandalous differences in the distribution of goods between peoples and nations; an ecology that is on the verge of giving out due to human greed. All creation needs and longs for its salvation through a Savior, but the Savior expects our active participation.

Object: Create awareness that the problems that we encounter today are universal problems and they are serious, but it is important not to lose hope.

Scripture readings:

Rm. 8:18-23; Ps.85; Lk.1:39-55

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Come Immanuel, God's presence among us, our King, our Judge: save us, Lord our God! Alleluia.

Symbols in this context: Our Lady as Mother Earth, National Mother. The stars, moon and sun. The prophecies and astronomical calculations of the Aztecs, and the belief of the Spaniards regarding the arrival of the millennium.
Questions: Do we share in the salvation that comes from God? Do we respect nature that participates in the hope for salvation? What are the elements of hope in our community? Do we commit ourselves to participate in preparing the way for a fuller arrival of the reign of Christ in our midst?

Prayers of the Faithful for the First Day of the Novena:

  Let us now present to the Lord our petitions, responding: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. That as we experience the tribulations in our daily life, we may not lose hope in a fuller arrival of God's reign in which we will live together forever, with Mary, in God's Love. We pray to the Lord.
2. That through the intercession of Mary, the Holy Spirit may bring forth more prophets among us, who, like Juan Diego, may be like stars in the sky, leading us toward the plenitude of the reign of Christ. We pray to the Lord.
3. That those who oppress and exploit our more vulnerable sisters and brothers, may repent and may adopt the spirit of the reign of Christ. We pray to the Lord.
4. That Our Lady of Guadalupe may help us to be strong in not allowing us to be swallowed by the spirit of the consumer society, and that all people may come to have more respect for our planet and everything that lives on it. We pray to the Lord.
5. That all people may learn to share the riches of the earth, and that the avarice that leads a few, to grab for themselves, most of the worlds' resources, while leaving millions in misery, may end. We pray to the Lord

Let us pray:
Gracious and loving God. As we await your coming in glory, give us hearts filled with the power of your Spirit, so that full or courage and love, we may effectively prepare the way before you. May your mother journey with us along the way as we advance toward the birth of the plenitude of your reign. This we ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Second Day

Theme: The reign of Christ has arrived but not in plenitude.
The issue addressed:  We all need conversion to Christ. It is  not enough to be baptized as Christian; we need to be truly Christians, but conversion is a task of our whole life. We need to be realistic: perfection is an ongoing process, but we journey toward the plenitude of our life at the end of our terrestrial pilgrimage.

Object: To convince ourselves that the reign of Christ is already here but that we need to convert ourselves to enter it, and that is a task of a lifetime.

Scripture readings:

Is.9:2-3b.4-7 or Is.60: 1-4.14.19-20 or Rom.13: 11-14; Ps.27; Mt.24:29-30

Alleluia: Alleluia, Alleluia. Come, Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: shine on those lost in the darkness of death! Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva (2:4-16.23):

On a Saturday of December 1531, Juan Diego, was on his way to Tlatelolco, while it was still night. When he  passed by the small hill of Tepeyac, as it was dawning, he heard what seemed like the singing of different precious birds, which came from the top of the hill, toward the west. He halted, wondering what it was he was hearing and whether he was dreaming or was in paradise.
Suddenly, everything was silent and he heard that someone was calling him from on top of the hill saying: " dear Juan, dearest Juan Diego." He, without fear, started up very happily. On reaching the top, he saw a woman, who was standing. She told him to draw near.
Upon reaching her presence, he was utterly amazed by her surpassing beauty: her garments seemed like the sun and emitted rays . . .
Then she spoke to him and said: " Know and take to heart, my most forsaken  son,  that I am the ever-Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of The God of Great Truth, Teotl, of The One through Whom we Live, of The Creator of People, of The Owner of that which is Close and Near, of the Lord of Heaven and of Earth."
Symbols in this context: Dawn, and the rose colored garment of Our Lady, indicating the new life that comes from the east. The appearance of Our Lady is the image of the arrival of the Christ's reign.
Prayers of the Faithful for the Second Day of the Novena:

Let us present now our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.
1. For the Church, so that is will not obscure the light of Christ ,but instead, be itself a light, promoting constantly the growth of the reign of Christ in the world according to the example of the Virgin. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For all Christians in the world, so that the Virgin, as image of the reign, may irradiate her love in our midst.  Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For our own spiritual growth, so that we may be open to the rebirth in Christ through a sincere conversion.  Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For all nations, especially their leaders, so that they come to recognize the superiority of the reign of Christ, and that they allow the values of the reign to transform their earthly reigns.  Let us pray to the Lord.
5. For our neighborhood, so the Virgin helps us live united and in harmony knowing how to respect and recognize the richness of the diversities. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
Our God, eternal Light, send us your Spirit so that we may be purified from sin that obscures the light of Christ in us, and so that the values of the reign may grow in us, coming to reflect in this way, the light of Christ, in the example of the virgin Mary. This we ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Third Day

Theme: God is the main builder of a civilization of love among us.
The issue addressed:  The importance of prayer in life so that we may always walk in the presence of God.

Object: To recognize the role that God occupies in our lives as our Creator and Savior, and consequently, the necessity that we have in never abandoning prayer, especially in times of trial.

Scripture readings:

Is.35:1-6.10; Ps.96 or Ps.33; Lk 10:21-24

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Come, Flower of Jesse's stem, sign of God's love for all God's people: save us without delay! Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva ( 7:17-19.23-24):

The lady of Heaven said to Juan Diego: "Go up, my dear son the most forsaken one, to the top of the little hill. There where you saw me and where I gave you orders, you shall find that there are many different flowers; cut them, gather them, bundle them, and bring them immediately to my presence."
Immediately Juan Diego went up the hill and when he reached the top he marveled at the fact that so many kinds of exquisite flowers of Castile had blossomed, before they were due, because in this season the frost was severe. Nor was it a place where they would grow. Then he cut them and put them together in his mantle. He then came down immediately and brought them to the lady of Heaven. She then, upon inspecting them, took them up in her own hands and again replaced them in the fold of his mantle, saying: "My dear son, the most forsaken one, these varied flowers are the proof and the sign that you are to take to the bishop. You will give them in my name that he should see in them what I want and with this he fulfill my will and my desire."
Symbols in this context: 'Flower and Song' as means of communication with the divine, and as a means through which to know the truth. Our Lady as the symbolic expression of the maternal love of God.

Prayers of the Faithful for the Third Day of the Novena:

Let us now present to the Lord our petitions, responding: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. For our Church, that it may always open itself to the transforming action of the Holy Spirit, and become beautiful and radiant as the Virgin, and be then a sign of God's love in the world. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For all leaders in the Church so that they may have the serviceable humility of Mary and Juan Diego. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For all of us, so that we never lack the spirit of prayer, and that with the help of the Spirit, we may be able to discern the salvific action of God in our lives. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For our parish, so that we may be so transformed by the action of the Holy Spirit, that we may be a symbol of unity, in the love of God ,for our neighborhood. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. For all those who are going through a crisis of faith, so that they may not loose hope and may carry on trusting in God who never abandons us. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
Lord God, humble and caring, a friend of the simple and poor of spirit. You taught us, with your example, to pray especially during the most tragic moment of your life, there in the garden of Gethsemani, before suffering for us on the cross. Listen  today to your followers, and may we never fall aside on the road of life. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Fourth Day

Theme: The reign of Christ in a new creation outgrows the old.

The issue addressed: To be immigrants in a new country with new cultures. The generational conflicts that emerge in this situation of change.

Object: To help people feel proud of their rich tradition, while being open to integrate the positive of the new. Also, help them to have more understanding and tolerance in the process of change that is present in new generations.

Scripture readings:

 Gal.4:19-27.31; Ps.72; Lk.1:68-79

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths: all people shall see the salvation of God. Alleluia.

Symbols in this context: Our Lady in front of the sun without blotting it out and standing on the moon without crushing it. Quetzalcóatl and Tonantzín are replaced but not destroyed.
Questions: Do we accept the changes in our life in new situations that our Christian faith challenges us to do? Do we try to maintain a mature dialogue between parents and children during the process of change?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Fourth Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.
1. So that we may know how to be open to the Holy Spirit when we are inspired to make the necessary changes in our life, in accordance with the period of history and country we are called to live in. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that there may be more understanding between parents and children in these times of change, and that the Lord, through the intercession of the Virgin, may bring reconciliation among those families that have broken family bonds, or who live in serious internal tensions. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that the people in the United States may be open to enrich themselves with traditional Hispanic values that sprout from the spirit of the gospel. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the Virgin of Guadalupe, may inspire the Church to find the most adequate ways of transmitting the message of salvation, by respectfully incarnating it into the different cultures of the world. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that all people in all the cultures of the world accept to be transformed by the salvific Word of Christ that renews all things. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
God, lover of the diverse nations, as we advance in human history and while life takes us through different directions, give us free hearts, full of your Holy Spirit, so that we may know how to adapt ourselves to new situations of life, without betraying the values of the gospel. This we ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Fifth Day

Theme: The reign of God will replace all worldly kingdoms
The issue addressed:  Need to relativize the things of this world, and resist getting absorbed by a consumer society while at the same time building up a civilization of love.

Object: Create the awareness of the absolute priority of the reign of Christ over the temporal powers of this world. Create in this way an attitude of subordinating personal and national interests to the interests of Christ.

Scripture readings:

Isa.2:1-5; Ps.122; Jn.2:13-23

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Come, Key of David, opening the gates of God's eternal kingdom: free the prisoners of darkness! Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva ( 2:14.23-26):

When Juan Diego reached the top of the hill, he saw a woman, who was standing. She told him to draw near.
Upon reaching her presence, he was utterly amazed by her surpassing beauty: her garments seemed like the sun and emitted rays . . .
Then she spoke to him and said: " Know and take to heart, my most forsaken  son, that I am the ever-Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of The God of Great Truth, Teotl, of The One through Whom we Live, of The Creator of People, of The Owner of that which is Close and Together, of the Lord of Heaven and of Earth."
I deeply want a temple built for me here, so that in it I may show and bestow all my love, compassion, aid, and protection; for I am indeed your merciful mother; yours, and all your fellow-dwellers in this land and my other loved ones who plead with me and confide in me. I  will hear their lamentations, and remedy all their miseries, pains, and afflictions."
Symbols in this context: The mountain, the meaning of the pyramids, and the importance of Tepeyac for the Aztecs, the construction of a new temple on the ruins of the old one. The new Christian meaning.

Questions: Do we cling to the things of this world forgetting that we are pilgrims, or do we fight with all our strength so that the reign of God may be visible more and more in our life and in the world that surrounds us?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Fifth Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.
1. So that in the midst of an environment which often reflects the contrary of what Christ wants, we may know how to opt firmly for him and his reign, even if this  leads to persecution or even death. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the Spirit may help us and that the Virgin may inspire us so that we may construct a true community of love in this corner of our city. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that the corruption of drugs, the moral corruption, the violence in the streets and in  homes, the abuse and abandonment of children and the elderly, and racial discriminations may end. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the Virgin of Guadalupe inspire the Church to be always faithful to the gospel and may it recognize those things that need to be purified when they do not conform to the message of Christ. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that the Spirit of God uphold in power all those prophetic voices of our time that try to build up a civilization of love, in the midst of opposition at the service of interests alien to the gospel. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
All powerful God, infuse in us the power of your love, so that we may know how to opt firmly for the values of the reign, even when this means having to carry a cross because of it. Give us your courage of being willing to die if necessary for the truth. And may we have the strength of the Virgin who supported Christ at the foot of the cross when he died for us. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Sixth Day

Theme: The Church in its plenitude is expressed in Our Lady.

The issue addressed: To enliven hope in the future as being in God's hands, rather than being crushed by the negative aspects of our time.
Object: To enkindle the hope in the future with the assurance that we are in the providential hands of God.

Scripture readings:

From the Feast of the Immaculate Conception: Gen.3:9-15.20; Eph.1:3-6.11-12; Ps.98; Lk.1:26-38

Symbols in this context: Our Lady, (standing, without a mask, her way of looking with her head slightly inclined, speaking on the same level as Juan Diego); her blue-green mantle (the royal color of the 'gods', and of Ometeotl, the origin of all the natural forces in the universe; also meaning the power that unifies the tensions existent in the world). The meaning of the stars on the mantle (the beginning of a new age); the sun and moon in this context.

Questions: Do we keep alive in us the future hope for the  plenitude of the reign of Christ, or do we allow ourselves to get depressed or to fall into despair?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Sixth Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.
1. So that the Holy Spirit may hold us firm in hope when things are not doing too well, and when all solutions to problems seem impossible. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that all those who live in critical situations may be rescued by the Lord and may be led to find solutions to their problems. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that God through the intercession of the Virgin touch the hearts of the most hardened sinners so that they may be converted to the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the Church may be more and more like the Virgin in its way of thinking, speaking and acting. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that our deceased brothers and sisters find in God forgiveness for their sins and the gift of the resurrection to life everlasting. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
Good and compassionate God, hear the prayers that today we present to you, and through the intercession of the Immaculate virgin Mary, may we keep alive in our lives, faith, hope and charity, even when all things are not going too well. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Seventh Day

Theme: The reign of God is forged through pain.
The issue addressed:  Everyone is confronted with the realities of suffering and death, but not everyone copes with them in the same way.

Object:  To have a  Christian approach to the realities of suffering and of death which set us free and strengthen the sense of sacrificial love.

Scripture readings:

 Col.1: 24-29; Ps.126; Jn. 12: 24-26

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Behold, the king will come, the Lord of earth, and he will set us free. Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva ( 2:27-29):

The Virgin said to Juan Diego: "...go to the palace of the bishop of Mexico and tell him how I sent you to declare to him what I very much desire, that here on the plain, he build me a temple: and you will tell him exactly what you have seen and wondered at, and what you have heard. Be sure that I will reward you well, and make you happy. You deserve very much to be rewarded for the work and the fatigue that you will encounter because of what I have entrusted to you. Look, my son, the most forsaken, you have heard my words; do all that you should."
Symbols in this context: the Cross, the pregnancy (nagvioli flowers and black sash), the birth pangs, the reddish dress.
Questions: Are we willing to 'break' ourselves for others in the following of Christ, accepting our quota of the cross of Christ? Are we willing to assume joyfully the sufferings that may come to us, as participants, of the Paschal Mystery of Christ?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Seventh Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. So that the Holy Spirit transforms our interior, in such a way that not only may we find Christian sense to suffering, but that we may possess the inner joy and peace which only God can give us. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the suffering taken onto ourselves may not be used as an excuse to take a passive stance in life, but may be the consequence of our struggle for a better world. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that those who suffer exceptionally in these moments may receive relief from God in their pain, and so that pain will find redemptive value. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the whole Church may know how to take on its role in committing itself fully for Christ and his reign specially for the most needy, without dishonest alliances with the powers of this world. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that our brothers and sisters who are near death may repent from their sins and may deliver themselves confidently into the loving arms of God. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
Humble and compassionate God, hear the prayers that today we present to you. May we all have the courage of Juan Diego to place total confidence in providence, committing ourselves to your reign even when it brings us suffering. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Eighth Day

Theme: In the reign of Christ, God forgives, consoles, purifies, heals, and reanimates us through the maternal words of Our Lady.

The issue addressed: The need for mutual forgiveness, healing, support and encouragement.

Object: To bring spiritual relief, interior peace and renewed confidence to afflicted, suffered and depressed hearts.

Scripture readings:

Ez.34: 11-16. 28-31; Ps.34 or Ps.147; Lk.6:20-26

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Come, Lord, bring us your peace; let us rejoice before you with a perfect heart. Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva (7:5-6.11-15):

Juan Diego bowed himself before the Lady; he greeted her and said: "O my dearest Lady, the most forsaken one, I hope you are happy. How are you this morning? I am going to cause you affliction. You know, my Lady, that a poor servant of yours is very ill, my uncle. He is afflicted with the pestilence and is about to die."
After hearing Juan Diego's address, the most merciful Virgin responded: "Listen and understand, my son the most forsaken one. There is nothing to worry or be frightened about, nor should your heart be perturbed. Do not fear that sickness, or any other or any anxiety. Am I not here, who am your Mother? Are you not under my all encompassing shadow? Am I not the source of your life? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, where the arms cross? Who else do you need? Let nothing afflict or make you bitter: do not be upset over the illness of your uncle. He will not die now from what he has now. Be assured that I will heal him." (And it was indeed just then that his uncle did heal, as was later known).
Symbols in this context:  Blue-green mantle for peace, the rose garment for life and love, the sun rays for joy. Hands that offer, a face of empathy. The renewing message of Our Lady to Juan Diego.

Questions: Do we support each other on the painful journey of life, sharing our compassion, forgiveness, encouragement? As we expect from God, do we offer ourselves to others?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Eighth Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. So that Christ, through the Holy Spirit, forgive us our sins, heal the wounds opened by our sins, and strengthen us, so that we may walk in the spirit of the reign of Christ. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that, inspired by the maternal love of Mary, and the compassionate heart of Jesus, we may feel impelled to reach out to encounter other people in their pain. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that all may find in the Church, a precinct of compassionate love, and that our leaders, may have the attitude of the Good Shepherd. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the powers of this world may place human and communitarian interests in first place, especially those who most need support from others. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that our sisters and brothers who have not had the occasion of encountering a God rich in compassion, may finally experience God's presence in their lives. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
Compassionate God, and full of love, hear the prayers that today we present to you. We thank you for the times that you have shown us your merciful love experienced in different ways. May all of us have a heart so compassionate that others may see in us the love you have for us, as has been taught to us through our mother Mary. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Ninth Day

Theme: The reign of Christ requires simple and courageous ministers.

The issue addressed:  Many Cathlics believe that the evangelization of the world is the task of priests and sisters. That creates a passive attitude in many laity.
Object: Create the need to be an active members in the Church and not just be  passive observers.

Scripture readings:

 Is.11:1-10; Ps.1  or 1 Sam.2 ; Lk. 4:14-21

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Raise your voice and tell the good news: The Lord our God will go before him. Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva ( 4 :1-4a.5-15):

Juan Diego returned and went directly to the summit of the little hill, and met the Lady of Heaven, who was waiting for him  in the same place where he saw her for the first time. Upon seeing her, he prostrated before her and said: "My Lady, the most forsaken of my relatives, I went where you sent me to tell your message. Although I entered with difficulty into the place where the Lord of the priests is, I saw him and revealed to him your message in the manner that you had requested of me. He received me kindly and he listened to me with attention; but when he responded, it appeared that he must have thought that it was my invention that you wanted a temple built here, and that perhaps it wasn't your command. Thus I earnestly beg you, my Queen, that it be one of the principle ones, those who are known, respected and esteemed, that you send to take your message, so it might be believed. Because I am a farmer from around there, I am rope, I am a ladder, I am the excrement of the people, I am a leaf. They send me. They have to carry me on their back. And you, my dear Lady, my most forsaken Maiden,  you send me to a place where I do not walk and where I do not stand. Forgive me that I cause you great grief, that I disappoint you and fall under your anger, my Queen."
The Holy Virgin responded: "Listen to me my son, the most forsaken. Understand that many are my servants and messengers that I can send, to take my message, and to do my will; but it is very vital that you yourself ask and help, and that with your mediation, my will be fulfilled. Much do I ask of you, my son, the most forsaken and with energy I command you, that you go again tomorrow, to see the bishop. On my behalf, let him know completely my will: that he has to make the temple, that I ask for. And once more tell him, that I in person, the ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of God, send you."
Juan Diego responded: "My dear Lady, I will not cause you affliction; I will go willingly to fulfill your will; in no way will I leave it aside nor will the task be difficult. I shall go to do your will, though I may not be listened to with a good disposition. And even if I am listened to, I may not be believed."
Symbols in this context: Juan Diego the prophet, a modest son of an oppressed and subjugated people. The angel as a messenger in the person of Juan Diego.
Questions: Do we dare proclaim the gospel by word and deed, even when we risk being made fun of, criticized, slandered, or persecuted? Do we detect some leaders among us who can help us along the journey?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Ninth Day of the Novena:

Let us now present our petitions to the Lord responding: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. So that the Virgin inspires many lay people from among the poor and humble people, to occupy their place in the Church as an active presence in the construction of the reign of God. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the Holy Spirit, may fill us with a missionary conscience of Church and urge us on to take the message of salvation, every one according to their vocation in life, and according to their real possibilities. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that the hierarchy of the Church be open to listen to the Holy Spirit, who transmits the wisdom of the Gospel through the poor, especially in the witness of their lives. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that all of us may be sensitive to receive the message of salvation through unexpected and surprising ways, as often happens from the mouths of children. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that governments of the world listen to the voice of God who is crying out in the lives of millions of people of our time, urging us to urgent replies at national and international levels. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
O God, you sent your Son, as a messenger of justice and peace to the world. Help each of us to occupy our place in the missionary task of the Church, which begins at home and in our neighborhood. May Our Lady of Guadalupe encourage and sustain us in the struggle, as she did for Juan Diego. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Feast of 'La Virgen de Guadalupe'

Theme: The reign of Christ has universal characteristics.

The issue addressed: A ghetto mentality as opposed to being participants of the diversity within a universal spirit.

Object: To create awareness and firmly motivate an attitude of giving value to one's individual culture, and to be participant in the historical process by contributing to the universal spirit from one's diversity.

Scripture readings:

Rev.11:15-12:2; Ps.67; Lk.1:39-47

Alleluia: Alleluia. Alleluia. Come, King of all nations, source of your Church's unity and faith: save all people, your own creation! Alleluia.

Adapted reading from the Nican Mopohva (8:27.28):

In front of the bishop, Juan Diego unwrapped his white 'tilma', since he had the flowers in his lap; and so a variety of roses scattered on the floor. Suddenly, there appeared on the 'tilma', the precious image of the ever Virgin Holy MARY, Mother of God Teotl. This is the image that is kept today in her temple at Tepeyac, which is named Guadalupe.
Symbols in this context: The 'mestiza' Virgin whom everyone can understand. Her face and eyes. The Mexican 'mestizo' people are also a symbol. The blue-green of the mantle, as indicative of one who can reconcile opposing forces.
Questions: Do we have a heart sufficiently broad enough to embrace under the banner of Guadalupe, all ethnic groups especially those that surround us, including those from whom we have experienced some discrimination?

Prayers of the Faithful for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Feeling united with all the Hispanic people, and united with all the Church extended throughout the world, let us present now our intentions. To each response we will say: listen, Lord, to you people.

1. For all the Church who admire and exult Mary as the most splendid fruit of redemption, so that we will always be aware of our missionary vocation, and may always irradiate the Light of Christ, as the moon that reflects the light of the sun. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For the Holy Father, the bishops, the priests and all the leaders and prophets in the Church, so that, with their example and word, they may be in the Church and in the world, like stars shining in the sky, just like Juan Diego, the smallest of all Mary's children. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For the union of all Christians, that we may find better ways of overcoming our differences, so that we may work together in the construction of the reign of Christ. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For our community in this part of our city, that the Virgin may help us to overcome prejudices, discriminations, hatreds and violence between different ethnic groups, between gangs, and even in the heart of our families. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. For our youth and our children; for the elderly and sick; for the most weak, defenseless and the poor: so that they may find in our Church, in the example of Mary's maternal love, a home of welcoming love. Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray:
In union with Mary, mother of the Church, we ask you Lord, full of Love, that your reign, may extend throughout the world. May it penetrate and transform all cultures, and one day, may there truly  be a civilization of love. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


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Christopher Gibson, CP
May be used for personal or public worship. Not to be reproduced for the sake of profit.